ACE-IT Trades

THINK TRADES!  Have you considered registering in an apprenticeship programme that can earn you your Red Seal certification?

It’s not too early for students to be thinking about course selections for next year and about your career goals, for students as young as grade 9.
A career in trades requires technical knowledge and applied skills; perhaps the reason why so many trades persons enjoy great pay and there are over 140 trades for which industry training is available in BC.

Not sure if trades are for YOU?  
To find out if you have skills and interests that would suit a job in trades, go to    username: mount   password: elizabeth.

Not thinking about a career in trades because you are a girl?
Think again!  Women in trades are highly respected and employers are actively looking for women tradespersons. What’s more, there is funding available to cover expenses for women as well as for First Nations students!

OK, so how do I get an apprenticeship?

Register for a Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA)!  You can complete your apprenticeship hours working weekends or during the summer as soon as you are 15.

Earn while you Learn – Senior students can be working full-time for a semester, earning a paycheck and 16 credits towards graduation.

Hidden apprentices – Students who have a part-time job and are working with a tradesperson may be able to register in a Secondary School Apprenticeship!

Scholarship opportunity:  What’s more, this programme offers $1,000 scholarships to eligible students.
To qualify you must be at least 15 years of age. For information on what kinds of work qualify for the program and about how to register, talk to your school’s career counsellor.
You will also find useful information at


ACE-IT Trades training is a dual-credit programme where students earn credits towards high school graduation and completed Foundation Level Trades Training.
MEMSS students who will be in grade 12 next year should apply NOW!  See Mr. Jones.