Applications due March 15th by 3:30 pm to Ms. Johnsen

The intent of the District Scholarships is to acknowledge excellence in non-academic fields and to assist with tuition for furthering students’ post-secondary education. The student does not have to be pursuing post-secondary education in the non-academic field although priority may be given to students who are pursuing one of those areas.


  • Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies (such as Business, Home Economics,
  • Information Communication Technology, Media Arts, Tourism)
  • Arts Education (dance, drama, music, visual arts)
  • Community Service (volunteer activity, including awareness of local, global, and cultural issues)
  • Indigenous Languages and Culture (school or community)
  • International Languages (with Integrated Resource Packages or External Assessments)
  • Physical Activity and Health (dance, fitness, gymnastics, sports)
  • Technical and Trades Training (such as automotive, coding, culinary arts, robotics, carpentry)