Art Show Opening at Museum

Friday, May  12, at 7 pm at the Kitimat Museum & Archives

The Kitimat Museum & Archives invites you to attend the opening reception of Anna M Cullen’s’ art exhibition, ‘These are a Few of my Favourite Things’, a collection of select mini-series and favourite artworks.

🎨Anna’s paintings radiate with colour and vibrancy showing us glimpses of the special moments in life that are often overlooked. The saying ‘take time to smell the roses’ comes to mind as you move around the gallery taking in the light – and delight – of Anna’s work!

The show opens at 7 pm in the Upstairs Gallery of the Kitimat Museum & Archives, and will run until June 10th. Anna will be in attendance to answer any questions about her work and her creative process. Refreshments will be served, and the second floor is accessible via lift.

Artist Bio

Anna M Cullen is a mom, a teacher, and an artist. She thankful to work, play, and create on the traditional unceded territories of the x̣àʼisla w̓áwís (Haisla) people. She has always been a maker but has focused her creative energy on painting in the last 5 years. She works primarily with acrylic mediums, but also works with watercolour, pencil crayon, linocut printing, digital art, and mixed media. She currently is an Active Member for the Federation of Canadian Artists and can find her work at the Federation Gallery in Vancouver a few times a year. To see a more in-depth collection of her artwork, visit her artist webpage at or her Instagram account at

Poster for art show