Author Archives: Administrator

PAC Meeting

There is a PAC meeting tomorrow (Thursday, Dec 15th) night at 7:00 pm in the staff room. Just a friendly reminder that these are held on the third Thursday of each month.

School Spirit Days Next Week

Student Council has 5 days of School Spirit planned for next week. Join in on the fun and show your school spirit!

Monday is Ugly Sweater Day.


Tuesday is Pajama Day.

Wednesday is Blue Christmas Day (wear something blue).

Thursday is Red and Green Day.

Friday is Holiday Hat Day.

Congratulations to Scholarship Recipients

The Provincial Scholarship Program (2015-2016), which is intended to recognize achievement, has awarded 14 of last years grads with Scholarships. The Graduation Program Examinations Scholarship recipients are: Isaiah Galante, Trevor Harness, Jamie Marcial and Megan Metz. The BC Achievement Scholarship recipients are: Emma Baker, Simon Baldo, Hayley Bantle, Brandon Barnard, Mitchell Couto, Mathew Hammerstrom, Claire Marleau, Katrina Martel, Ben Pacheco, Paige Payne and Jerad Shaw. Congratulations for being recognized for all of your hard work!scholarship-logogif