Author Archives: Administrator

Great Parent Engagement Resource for Parent – Teacher Conferences.

Parent – Teacher Interviews


These are questions you can ask your child’s teachers to better understand how he or she is doing in school, as well as his/her progress.

√ How is my child doing academically? Is he or she working below, at or above grade level?

√ How is my child’s behaviour in your class? What are your thoughts about his or her social and emotional development and maturity?

√ What should I be doing at home with my child to reinforce his or her learning for your class? How much time should we be working at home each night/week?

√ What are the requirements for doing well in your class and how do you assess student work?

√ Aside from report cards, what are the best ways to keep up to date on my child’s progress?

√ What is the best way to communicate with you?

√ What are some tips for helping my child to be more organized at school?


Adapted from Wilson County Schools “WCS Parent Advocacy Cheat Sheet”

MEMSS Student awarded Premier’s Award for Aboriginal Youth Excellence in Sport

Northwest Honours Recipients of the 2016 Premier’s Awards for Aboriginal Youth Excellence in Sport
The Aboriginal Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Partners Council, in collaboration with the Province of British Columbia, launched the regional nomination process in September 2016, receiving more than 130 nominations from across the province for Aboriginal athletes under 25 years of age who have achieved excellence in performance sport, are regarded for their leadership qualities, committed to higher education, and recognized as community role models both on and off the field of play. A total of 47 recipients were chosen within the Partners Council’s six regions – Northeast, Northwest, Interior, Fraser, Vancouver Coastal, and Vancouver Island.

There were seven students from the Northwest Region who were awarded the Premier’s Award for Aboriginal Youth Excellence in Sport and one of those students was from Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary School.

Kleanza Cathers, age 16, Swimming, Nisga’a

“The Premier’s Awards for Aboriginal Youth Excellence in Sport are a fitting recognition of the remarkable accomplishments of Aboriginal youth in B.C.’s Northwest region,” said Gordon Hogg, Parliamentary Secretary for Youth Sport to the Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. “The tremendous success of these young athletes is a testament to their tenacity and commitment to their sport. On behalf of the B.C. government, congratulations to this year’s award winners.” “We strengthen our communities by investing in our youth,” said Corinne McKay, Northwest Region’s Alternate Lead for the Aboriginal Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Partners Council. “We know it’s a long, challenging and rewarding journey and we want our young people to know that we are proud of them and behind them every step of the way as they work towards achieving their goals.” These Regional recipients automatically serve as nominees for the Provincial Awards. A total of 12 Provincial Awards (six male and six female) will be selected in January.

Congratulations Kleanza!                                      

Mount Elizabeth has a Facebook page

Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary has started a school Facebook page that is intended to be for sharing the activities and achievements of students and staff. It has been set up so that users can comment and like posts that are created by the site administrators but users cannot create a “new” post. Users cannot add pictures or tag individuals in pictures, only the administrators have such rights.

The page administrators reserve the right to remove any comments at any time for any reason…but we hope that will not ever be necessary. We also reserve the right to block individuals who misuse our Facebook page.

If you would like to contact the school, please do not do so through the Facebook page. Instead contact the school by phone or email.

We invite you to check out the site to learn about all the great things that are happening at our school.