Author Archives: Administrator

Meningitis Information for Grade 12 Parents

Any students who have not received their Meningitis Consent form, please see Mrs. Brousseau in the office to collect the forms.


Meningitis Information

Charmaine Crooks Visits Mount Elizabeth

On March 13th we were very fortunate to have Olympian Charmaine Crooks come to Mount Elizabeth to speak to our Grade 9-12 students. Charmaine is a Canadian athlete, five time Olympian and Olympic Silver Medalist. Charmaine gave a very inspirational talk about her journey, leadership and team building.

We would like to extend a very special thank you to Rio Tinto who made this experience for our students and staff possible by arranging for Charmaine to visit Mount Elizabeth. We would like to acknowledge Richard Prokopanko and Kevin Dobbin from Rio Tinto who were instrumental in making the arrangements. We appreciate the support that we receive from Rio Tinto in helping to provide these types of learning experiences for our students. Thank you!

Numeracy Assessment



For the information of students who wrote the Numeracy Assessment in January 2019:


Students may view their assessment results and their updated Unofficial Transcript of Grades (UTGs) at the Student Transcripts Service at




Q: Is the Graduation Numeracy Assessment required for graduation?

  • Yes, the Graduation Numeracy Assessment is a province-wide assessment required for


Q: Why is the Graduation Numeracy Assessment (GNA) important?

  • Numeracy, like literacy, is an important life skill. Students and their schools may use GNA results to understand students’ areas of strength and how to support further learning. The GNA also provides information to schools, districts and the Province about how numerate students are in C.


Q: How can students access their Graduation Numeracy Assessment results?

  • Students may view their results and their updated Unofficial Transcript of Grades (UTGs) at the Student Transcripts Service at


Q: Are students allowed to re-take the Graduation Numeracy Assessment?

  • Yes, students can re-take the Graduation Numeracy Assessment to improve their proficiency Their best level achieved will be counted as their final result. The next session of the GNA is June 21-27, 2019.


Q: How will results be recorded?

  • Results will appear on students’


Q: What resources are available?

  • Pre-assessment activities for students, including sample assessment and a series of videos that explain how to solve questions using the five numeracy
  • Parent Brochure (available in English and French)


A letter will be sent home with students outlining their results and we request that students let us know if they wish to rewrite the Numeracy Assessment in June by April 11, 2019 so that we can register them to take the assessment.


Thank you,

G. Lawlor
