Author Archives: Administrator

Grade 11’s, We Need Your Help!

Any students who are interested in being a member of the Grad 11 club please sign up outside the office. We are looking for Grade 11 students who are willing to help out at two events. The Graduation Banquet which is on June 3rd and the Walk-Up Ceremony which is on June 23rd. You can sign up to help with one or both of these events.We would really appreciate your help!


2017 Popsicle Stick Bridge Building Competition


The 2017 Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition is coming up on May 6th. Thank you to Hatch and APEG Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC Northern Branch for sponsoring this event. Many of our students are hard at work designing and building their bridges. Come on out and see the bridges and show your support on May 6th in the Large Gym here at MEMSS. Registration begins at 9:00am. There are door prizes throughout the day and prizes for strongest overall bridge, stongest bridges in each age category and most innovative design.

Congratulations to our Senior Girls Soccer Team

Our Senior Girls Soccer Team had a very successful weekend. They played Hazelton and Smithers and won both of their games. Way to go girls!