BCACDI – Specialized Sitter Program

The BC Association for Child Development and Intervention is a provincial association of agencies that provide child development and therapy to children and youth with special needs and their families.  Through generous support from the BC Ministry and Family Development, BCACDI has created the Specialized Sitter training modules.  The online learning opportunity is designed to provide additional skills and knowledge for those individuals (e.g. – “babysitters”) providing short-term  supervision of children.  The goal is to increase the pool of individuals with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to provide short-term supervision.  Training is offered several times a year via an 8 week moderated online training session. Individuals completing the training will receive a certificate and be connected to agencies in their community that may know parents looking for specialized sitters.  Please visit https://www.bcacdi.org/orverview or visit your school counsellors for more information.