As a requirement of the School Act, Boards of Education are required to prepare and submit annual budgets to the Minister of Education and Child Care.  The budget funds all the activities within our school district and is prepared to support the strategic priorities and commitment to students.  The Strategic Plan 2022-2027 ‘Engage, Ignite, Empower’ provided feedback on investing in:

1.    Improving learning outcomes,

2.    Honouring and respecting culture, diversity and inclusion,

3.    Creating a culture of care through providing safe and welcoming spaces.

The Ministry of Education and Child Care funds our budget through a fixed amount per student.  Annual funding is dependent on enrollment across the District plus other factors such as special needs and geographical factors.
Coast Mountains Board of Education is seeking input into the 2024-2025 annual budget priorities.  Please complete the following survey by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 24, 2024. 

2024-2025 Budget & Planning Survey
(click on link to complete survey)

For more information, please access Coast Mountains School District’s Strategic Plan 2022-2027 ‘Engage, Ignite, Empower’ at:

Thank you for taking the time to complete this budget survey.  The feedback received will play an important role in the development of the 2024-2025 Budget.