Dry Grad Information and Bag Off any information regarding Walk Rehearsal information, ticket hand out will be sent out by the school administration this is Dry Security information only.

DRY GRAD JUNE 23rd, 2017 Dear Parents/Guardians and Graduating Students, Dry Grad preparations are well under way and it is time to pass along some information from the Dry Grad 2017 Security Committee.

Graduates attending the Dry Grad event will be transported to Tamitik Arena from MEMSS after the graduation ceremony on Friday, June 23rd; the buses are being provided to us by the DOK and ALL graduates must be registered to access the buses. There will be NO exceptions with respect to transportation: if graduates plan to attend they must arrive via the provided bus transportation.  Any student not participating in the walk up, or from KCH must check in with security with a parent upon arrival at MEMSS.  Students will be requested to congregate behind the Main Gym doors by 9:15 (or shortly after ceremony) Buses will be boarded and will depart prior to 9:30pm.  Once at Tamitik graduates will be registered and directed to our “dining” area where they can collect their bags, get changed, enjoy a light snack and be provided with a rundown on the evening’s activities, expectations and instructions.

Bags should be brought to the MEMSS school on the “walk-up” rehearsal day which is scheduled for Thursday June 22 at 3- 4:15pm. They must be dropped off immediately after rehearsal at the cafeteria and will be clearly marked with your name and cell number. The bags will be searched and then transported to Tamitik arena where they will remain secured until the event begins.

Bags must be delivered by the student who owns them, or a Parent or Guardian responsible.  KCH grads can also drop off bags on this day and time.  Personal medical prescriptions that are required must be with the student’s belongings.  Any medical issues that would require special attention can be forwarded to Alfie Galamini (Security) and will be held in confidence.  This can be before the rehearsal or during the Bag check in.

The Dry Grad Committee has prepared well in advance to ensure the comfort and success of all students attending. Please ensure you pack only what is required, we recommend leaving valuables at home. The room will be secured between the times the personal belongings are stored until they are released back to their owners. The Dry Grad committee will not be held responsible for items that have gone missing during the dry grad event.

Things to include this year;

  • T-shirt/shorts/comfy shoes
  • personal items

NO alcohol/drugs, tobacco, chew, e-cigarettes, lighters/matches, knives etc.

If you are not attending the rehearsal or cannot make it to the school to drop off your bag, you must make arrangements to have your bag delivered to the school at this time. Only bags checked will be allowed into the event. There are NO exceptions.

If you have any questions about medications etc. or other items you are unsure about please feel free to contact us.

Alfie Galamini, Security Lead

ansgala@telus.net (250-639-0560)