Parent – Teacher Interviews
These are questions you can ask your child’s teachers to better understand how he or she is doing in school, as well as his/her progress.
√ How is my child doing academically? Is he or she working below, at or above grade level?
√ How is my child’s behaviour in your class? What are your thoughts about his or her social and emotional development and maturity?
√ What should I be doing at home with my child to reinforce his or her learning for your class? How much time should we be working at home each night/week?
√ What are the requirements for doing well in your class and how do you assess student work?
√ Aside from report cards, what are the best ways to keep up to date on my child’s progress?
√ What is the best way to communicate with you?
√ What are some tips for helping my child to be more organized at school?
Adapted from Wilson County Schools “WCS Parent Advocacy Cheat Sheet”