Dear Parent/Guardian:

To be in compliance with the School Act Section 82, Ministry of Education funding policy, and School District 82 policies 1010, 1030, and 1035, we require proof of residency for all of our students and their parents/guardians.  Only students who are ordinarily residents in BC, and whose parent(s)/guardian(s) are also ordinarily a resident eligible for Ministry funding.

To ensure that we are in compliance with these requirements, we are asking that the following information be presented to the school as soon as possible, and at your earliest convenience, copies of which to be placed in your child’s school file:

Proof of residency for the parent/guardian:

A BC care card or valid BC Services card, AND one of the following;

  • A valid provincial Driver’s license
  • A document indicating BC residency (i.e. a utility bill or other official statement with a physical address included)
  • Proof of ownership of a dwelling or long-term lease or rental agreement for a dwelling
  • A current income tax return filed as a BC resident

Proof of residency for the student:

A BC care card OR valid BC Services card OR a valid BC Driver’s License AND a birth certificate

You ·can provide this information to us in the following ways:

  1.  Email copies of the required documents to our Student Records Clerk, Deanna Muldoe
  1. Bring the original documents in to the school, or send them with your child so that we can make copies of them.

We appreciate your cooperation with this request.  If you have questions or concerns, please contact the school.


Geraldine Lawlor


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