This Thursday (October 27th), There will be a quick meeting with the Grade 12’s in the Cafeteria right after school to hand out their Purdy’s Order Packages. Please encourage/remind your graduates to come to the meeting to pick their packages up and to SELL SELL SELL!!!! There will be a prize to the top seller for this campaign!!!!! if your graduate can not attend this meeting, please call me, Nelie (250)-279-0480 or Theresa (250) 279-6123 and we will get those packages to you!!!! Let’s do this!!!!!
–The Fundraising Committee
And if anyone would like information about Grad 2017 Banquet or Dry Grad please call Gina at 250-639-9435 or you can log on to Facebook and join the MEMSS Grad 2017 Parent Page for information also.