Important Letter for Parents and Guardians

Jan 8, 2018

To Parent/Guardians of Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary School Students,


As you may be aware, there was an incident on social media over the weekend involving several students who attend Mount Elizabeth.

There was a threat posted on social media.  The threat was reported to the RCMP who investigated and had the post taken down.  The RCMP concluded from their investigation and have determined that there was no intent to act on the threat.

The safety and well-being of our students and staff is of primary concern to the Administration of Mount Elizabeth and to Coast Mountains School District.  While the RCMP has concluded their work, the Administration of Mount Elizabeth will continue to do their own investigation.  The individuals responsible for this threat will not be in attendance until such time as the school deems it safe for them to do so.

You need to know that the safety of your child is our top priority.  We are taking the steps necessary to ensure that there is no risk to our school community.  While the RCMP have drawn their conclusion, the School District also takes threats of this nature very seriously and must act in a vigilant manner to ensure the safety of all.  No threat can be dismissed without a detailed investigation.

This incident was discussed with your child at 9:30 a.m. in their first class of the day.  The message from the staff was consistent across the school:  There was a threat.  It is being dealt with.  The students and staff are safe.  If they need support, there are staff available.

Please take the time to discuss this issue with your child.  Please reinforce the fact that they are safe at school.  Our school counsellors are available, as always, to support any student who may wish to discuss their concerns.

If you have any questions or concerns related to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.



G. Lawlor
