Principal’s Message

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a relaxing and fulfilling holiday. Exams for Grades 9-12 students are just three weeks away; this is a good time to encourage your son/daughter to prepare. Our Grade 9 students will be writing exams for the first time, which may cause some anxiety, try to keep them at ease, their teachers are having conversations with them to prepare them for the experience.  A copy of the exam schedule is on the school website, please take a look so you are aware when exams are scheduled. Teachers will inform students when and where their exams will take place, it is very important for students to note those details.  If a student in Grade 9-12 does not have an exam (or other form of assessment) on Tuesday, Jan 23, Wednesday Jan 24 or Friday Jan 26 they will not have classes and will not be in attendance on those days.