Parents/guardians…. We need your input, so we know what is working in the school and what is not working for you and your child/ren!

Please take the Student Learning Survey. How do you have your voice heard?

To complete the survey:

  1. Go to any computer that has an up-to-date internet browser access at home, work, or school.
  2. Go to www.bced.gov.bc.ca/sat_survey/access.htm
  3. Under the section Direct Access – no logon number required select:
    • District: the name of your child’s district
    • School: the name of your child’s school
    • Language: the language of your choice
  4. Complete the survey by clicking on the appropriate circle to answer each question.  Move to the next set of questions by clicking on the right arrow in the bottom right corner of the screen. Click on the left arrow to navigate backwards.
  5. When you are finished the survey, you will get a message “Thank you for sharing your views”.
  6. Once complete, your school will have the results immediately.

Thanks for sharing your ideas and thoughts.


Julia Jacobs, Principal, Mount Elizabeth Middle Secondary School