Kitimat School Bus Route #40 – Video Camera Surveillance Implementation

parents-clip-art-parents-clip-art-18In an effort to maintain open communication, especially regarding issues pertaining to student safety, we wish to inform you that Coast Mountains School District 82 will be installing video camera surveillance on Kitimat School Bus Route #40 only.  Letters were sent home last week with Kitimat students utilizing school bus services informing parents/guardians of the video camera surveillance implementation on Bus Route #40.

The safety and welfare of our students and staff is of utmost importance in Coast Mountains School District.  The Haisla Nation Council in coordination with the School District has jointly agreed to the implementation and operation of video camera surveillance on Bus Route #40 to enhance the safety and security of all students.

The installation and operation of the video camera surveillance system is in full compliance with the provisions of the School District Policy, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and School Act Section 74.01. In accordance with the School Act, the Parent Advisory Councils for Mount Elizabeth Middle/Secondary School, Nechako Elementary School and Kildala Elementary School were consulted on this matter and have provided their consent to the video camera surveillance implementation and operation.

Signage will be prominently displayed on the interior of the bus indicating the operation of video camera surveillance. The images that are captured are recorded on a DVR system and can only be accessed by authorized School District staff as needed to review or investigate an incident.

Should you have any questions regarding the implementation and operation of the video camera surveillance system on Bus Route #40, please do not hesitate to contact your School Principal.